The Luxar LX-20 and Luxar LX-20i models are both affordable surgical CO2 laser systems that are known for being safe, reliable and effective.
Luxar Cosmetic Lasers

Even though the Luxar Corporation no longer exists, the Luxar line of surgical CO2 laser systems continues to live on. The original Luxar Corporation was sold and then absorbed into Lumenis Inc. and the Luxar line was gradually phased out, but Luxar lasers are still in wide use today and have proven to be among the most reliable and durable on the market. Luxar surgical lasers have also become synonymous with value because they are inexpensive to purchase and to operate. The three most popular Luxar models are the Luxar LX-20, Luxar LX-20SI and Luxar LX-20SP Novapulse.
Even though there has been some movement toward fractional lasers and other options instead of surgical CO2 lasers, the Luxar models are extremely safe, effective and efficient. You can generally buy a quality pre-owned Luxar surgical laser system for just a fraction of what you would pay for a new fractional system, yet the Luxar machines can still perform all the same procedures. The Luxar surgical lasers are popular because they offer greatly reduced risk of infection and less patient downtime as compared to other surgical methods. If you are looking for the lowest prices on pre-owned Luxar surgical lasers, you will find them at
There are several different Luxar models to choose from, and has the tools you need to compare Luxar systems. We have detailed information about the features and specifications of each system so that you can make a smart buying choice. We also offer a full satisfaction guarantee and the security of knowing that every used Luxar system we sell has been inspected and tested by an experienced technician. Please feel free to contact us for a no-obligation price quote or if we can answer any questions about our inventory of Luxar surgical lasers. We also carry a complete inventory of surgical and cosmetic lasers from other manufacturers like Cynosure, Syneron,Aesthera, Alma, CoolTouch, Cutera and several others.